
The Consequences of Relativism

The Consequences of Relativism

Freemasonry and Relativism For Freemasonry, no truth is definitive, intangible, or absolute. Indeed, from its point of view, the truth always escapes us or is called to be constructed by man and for man; dogma is in principle opposed to human freedom. Faith, on the contrary, teaches us that truth […]

What Catholics should know about Freemasonry

What Catholics should know about Freemasonry

To see why the Catholic Church has strongly and repeatedly condemned membership in Freemasonry requires a glance at Masonic teachings and history. Many Catholics view Freemasonry as a dangerous — even Satanic — conspiracy founded to destroy the Faith. On the other hand, the Craft (as Freemasonry is called in […]

Freemasonry – History and Doctrine

Freemasonry – History and Doctrine

Freemasonry is an initiatory and esoteric brotherhood widespread almost all over the world, whose origins can be traced back to modern times in England, specifically in London in 1717, as a union of associations based on a democratic order, known as ‘lodges’. A Grand Lodge is the governing body of […]